I'm trying to implement the tracker-enabled-dbcontext package from the documentaion and tracker-enabled-dbcontext git repository But I'm unable to change save changes to target a different database. I've modified my SaveChanges
public class MyDBContext : DbContext, IUnitOfWork {}
public class MacsAuditDbContext : TrackerEnabledDbContext.TrackerContext {}
in MyDBContext
public override int SaveChanges()
DateTime nowAuditDate = DateTime.Now;
IEnumerable<System.Data.Entity.Infrastructure.DbEntityEntry<DomainEntity>> changeSet = ChangeTracker.Entries<DomainEntity>();
if (changeSet != null)
foreach (System.Data.Entity.Infrastructure.DbEntityEntry<DomainEntity> entry in changeSet)
switch (entry.State)
case EntityState.Added:
entry.Entity.Created = nowAuditDate;
entry.Entity.Modified = nowAuditDate;
case EntityState.Modified:
entry.Entity.Modified = nowAuditDate;
using (MacsAuditDbContext db = new MacsAuditDbContext())
return base.SaveChanges();
in my startup class
public class Startup
public void Configuration(IAppBuilder app)
But I am still unable to save audit logs to the target(secondary) database. my Domain entires saving my primary DB but not audit logs. Do I want to pass MyDBContext to MacsAuditDbContext? Or Am I doing something wrong? please help me.
You can try leveraging OnAuditLogGenerated
event. Something along this lines:
public sealed class MyDBContext : TrackerContext
public MyDBContext ()
OnAuditLogGenerated += SaveToAnotherDb;
private void SaveToAnotherDb(object? sender, AuditLogGeneratedEventArgs args)
var auditLog = args.Log;
using (MacsAuditDbContext db = new MacsAuditDbContext())
//skips saving to local database
args.SkipSavingLog = true;
protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
OnAuditLogGenerated -= SaveToAnotherDb;