I am running the following API:
GetInstanceTypesFromInstanceRequirementsResult instanceRequirementsResult = this.amazonEC2Client
.getInstanceTypesFromInstanceRequirements(new GetInstanceTypesFromInstanceRequirementsRequest()
.withInstanceRequirements(new InstanceRequirementsRequest().
withVCpuCount(new VCpuCountRangeRequest().withMin(0).withMax(100)).
withMemoryMiB(new MemoryMiBRequest().withMin(0).withMax(100))).
As per the docs, this is the minimum number of parameters that you need to pass. But this returns 0 instances. What did I miss?
From docs:
The minimum and maximum amount of memory, in MiB.
Type: MemoryMiBRequest object
Required: Yes
The parameter MemoryMiB is expressed in MB. So with a Max of 100MB, you are not obtaining results.
Try changing it to a higher value (e.g. 4096 = 4GB) or omitting the 'Max' field to set as unlimited:
The maximum amount of memory, in MiB. To specify no maximum limit, omit this parameter.
Type: Integer
Required: No