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Expanding jsob array in PostgreSQL to produce analytics

Imagine that we have the following table using jsonb on PostgreSQL:

create table writer
  "firstName" varchar,
  "surName"   varchar,
  books       jsonb

And the following data is available:

INSERT INTO public.writer ("firstName", "surName", books) VALUES ('William', 'Shakespeare', '[{"name": "Hamlet"}, {"name": "Romeo and Juliet"}]');
INSERT INTO public.writer ("firstName", "surName", books) VALUES ('Agatha', 'Christie', '[{"name": "Hercule Poirot"}, {"name": "Miss Marple"}]');

Is it possible to expand the JSON array to 2 columns similarly to what PowerBI expand does and get the following result?

firstName surName bookName
William Shakespeare Hamlet
William Shakespeare Juliet
Agatha Christie Hercule Poirot
Agatha Christie Miss Marple

instead of

firstName surName books
William Shakespeare [{"name": "Hamlet"}, {"name": "Romeo and Juliet"}]
Agatha Christie [{"name": "Hercule Poirot"}, {"name": "Miss Marple"}]

Sample DB:!17/87ca94/2


  • You can use jsonb_array_elements() to get one row per array element:

    select w."firstName", w."surName", ->> 'name' as book_name
    from writer w
      cross join jsonb_array_elements(books) as b(book)

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