I have the following pandas multi-index dataframe and I would like it to become a nested json object.
import pandas as pd
data = {'store_id' : ['1', '1','1','2','2'],
'item_name' : ['apples', 'oranges', 'pears', 'persimmons', 'bananas'],
'2022-01-01': [2.33, 1.99, 2.33, 2.33, 4.21],
'2022-01-02': [2.38, 1.96, 2.38, 2.37, 4.34],
'2022-01-03': [2.45, 1.78, 2.45, 2.45, 4.13]}
df = pd.DataFrame(data).groupby(['store_id', 'item_name']).first()
# The indices are store_id and item_name.
store_id item_name 2022-01-01 2022-01-02 2022-01-03
1 apples 2.33 2.38 2.45
oranges 1.99 1.96 1.78
pears 2.33 2.38 2.45
2 bananas 4.21 4.34 4.13
persimmons 2.33 2.37 2.45
I would like it to become a json object with nested levels that looks like this:
1: {
apples: [
{ date: "2022-01-01", price: 2.33 },
{ date: "2022-01-02", price: 2.38 },
{ date: "2022-01-03", price: 2.45 },
oranges: [
{ date: "2022-01-01", price: 1.99 },
{ date: "2022-01-02", price: 1.96 },
{ date: "2022-01-03", price: 1.78 },
pears: [
{ date: "2022-01-01", price: 2.33 },
{ date: "2022-01-02", price: 2.38 },
{ date: "2022-01-03", price: 2.45 },
2: {
persimmons: [
{ date: "2022-01-01", price: 2.33 },
{ date: "2022-01-02", price: 2.37 },
{ date: "2022-01-03", price: 2.45 },
bananas: [
{ date: "2022-01-01", price: 4.21 },
{ date: "2022-01-02", price: 4.34 },
{ date: "2022-01-03", price: 4.13 },
I've tried every permutation of pandas's to_json
but nothing gives me the nesting I need.
Use nested list comprehension for add custom format of inner dicts:
import json
d = {level: {k1: [{'date': k, 'price': v}
for k, v in v1.items()]
for k1, v1 in df.xs(level).T.items()}
for level in df.index.levels[0]}
j = json.dumps(d)
print (j)
'1': {
'apples': [{
'date': '2022-01-01',
'price': 2.33
}, {
'date': '2022-01-02',
'price': 2.38
}, {
'date': '2022-01-03',
'price': 2.45
'oranges': [{
'date': '2022-01-01',
'price': 1.99
}, {
'date': '2022-01-02',
'price': 1.96
}, {
'date': '2022-01-03',
'price': 1.78
'pears': [{
'date': '2022-01-01',
'price': 2.33
}, {
'date': '2022-01-02',
'price': 2.38
}, {
'date': '2022-01-03',
'price': 2.45
'2': {
'bananas': [{
'date': '2022-01-01',
'price': 4.21
}, {
'date': '2022-01-02',
'price': 4.34
}, {
'date': '2022-01-03',
'price': 4.13
'persimmons': [{
'date': '2022-01-01',
'price': 2.33
}, {
'date': '2022-01-02',
'price': 2.37
}, {
'date': '2022-01-03',
'price': 2.45