I have to delete few data from a table using CQL based on some condition which will fetch data from another table. But I am unable to form the query.
Here is the table details from where I need to delete data :
Table Name : xyz_group
Columns : dept_id [int] , sub_id [set<bigint>]
PRIMARY KEY (Partition key) : dept_id
There can be same sub_id for multiple dept_id. The data is something like below :
dept_id | sub_id
1098 | 345678298, 24579123, 8790455308
2059 | 398534698, 24579123, 8447659928
3467 | 311209878, 24579123, 8790455308, 987654321,
I need to remove only ---> 24579123, 8790455308 from all the rows.
And here is my SELECT query which will fetch the data from another table abc_list which is to be removed from table xyz_group
select sub_id from abc_list where sub_name='XYZ';
The output for the above query will give me a list of sub_id which I want to remove from the table xyz_group. So basically I want to update the set by removing data from the set. Something like below :
UPDATE xyz_group SET sub_id = sub_id - [ query result from above select query ] WHERE dept_id in (1098, 2059, 3467, ...);
I have tried to remove one element from the set, but I am getting the below error :
UPDATE xyz_group SET sub_id = sub_id - [ 24579123 ] WHERE dept_id in (1098, 2059, 3467, ...);
Error : Column sub_id type set<bigint> is not compatible with type list<int>
The tables has around >50k records. Can anyone please help to form the single correct query to update.
The below query is working for me now :
UPDATE xyz_group SET sub_id = sub_id - { 24579123 } WHERE dept_id in (1098, 2059, 3467, ...);
But I am doing a 2 step process to update the table. First collecting the required sub_id and then using a separate UPDATE query to update the table.Not able to do in a single query.