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SwiperJS/CSS - Dynamically changing slides per view based on screen size

I'm using SwiperJS with React, and I'm trying to implement a layout where one slide is always positioned at the center of the screen, and a portion of the next slide fills up any remaining space to the right.

The Swiper Documentation shows I can specify the number of slides at each breakpoint, but I'm struggling with making the next image fill up the remaining space between those breakpoints where I set the slidesPerView.

How can I go about implementing this?


  • I handled it by making the swiper container's width wider than the page and setting overflow-x:hidden on the parent container

    <section className={`overflow-x-hidden`}>
      <div className="css-to-set-swiper-container-width">
                  onBeforeInit={(swiper) => {
                    swiper.params.navigation.prevEl = prevRef.current;
                    swiper.params.navigation.nextEl = nextRef.current;
                  navigation={{ nextEl: nextRef.current, prevEl: prevRef.current }}
                    640: { slidesPerView: 2},
                  {, idx) => {
                    return (
                         <CardComponent content={item} />