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How do I change the color of an SF Symbols based UIButton embedded in a UIAction?

I'm generating a button with the following code but am unable to successfully change the button's foreground color.

let button = UIButton(
    type: .close,
    primaryAction: UIAction(
        image: UIImage(systemName: ""),
        handler: { _ in }

I've tried

  • UIImage(systemName: "")?.withTintColor(.red)

  • UIImage(systemName: "")?.withTintColor(.systemRed, renderingMode: .alwaysOriginal)

  • button.setTitleColor(.systemRed, for: .normal)

  • Adding a configuration:

    var config = UIButton.Configuration.borderless()
    config.baseForegroundColor = .systemRed
    button.configuration = config
  • Using a different symbol variant like: UIImage(systemName: "")

In this specific scenario I want to change the color of the circular background area of the image only and not the X (crosses) or the button's background. Essentially I want a red filled circle with a gray X (crosses).

So I can get this: enter image description here

But I want something more like this (with the red limited to inside the circle): enter image description here


    1. Change type from .close to .custom

    2. Change UIImage(systemName: "") to

      UIImage(systemName: "")?.withTintColor(.systemRed, renderingMode: .alwaysOriginal)