Let's say I use Go to Symbol in Editor
. Let's further say I have a function def run():
(this is Python) that I want to jump to.
If I type @run
in the Symbol search dropbox, the viewport will shift to def run
in the source code.
So far, so I good. I have found what I want!
At that point, if I press esc
I jump back to my starting location, rather than staying at def run()
in the source. I have to remember to press Enter
to get out of Go to Symbol in Editor...
and stay at my location.
How can I make it so esc
, by itself, always leaves me where I have found the symbol in the text?
I.e. I want to get more the behavior I get from using Edit, Find
where esc
leaves at the pattern location. And pressing Enter
when in Find mode jumps me to the next pattern hit, if any.
environment: macos, vscode 1.63.2 (latest as of now)
p.s. You also get the same behavior from a Go to Line/Column...
dialog, esc
will yank you back to your starting point, Enter
will leave you at the new location.
I'm afraid it's not currently possible. I've tried to unbind every single keyboard shortcut bound to Escape key so it should basically become a dead key, yet even with this setting symbol suggest highlight were cancelled by pressing the Escape, so no luck.
Unbinding the primary action is normally prerequisite for changing default behaviour -- in your case for mapping it to "accept highlighted symbol" action (which I haven't found either) -- so it seems that Enter/Escape behaviour of symbol palette is not exposed for remapping.