I would like to write a little bash script, which simply asks the user to enter a Country and a Item. The script shall open gnuplot and plot some data (the Order Date and Total Profit for the Country and Item) from a .csv and safe in .png
These are the first few lines (100k in total):
Country,Item Type,Order Date,Total Profit
Afghanistan,Baby Food,1/10/2010,672649.62
Afghanistan,Baby Food,1/23/2010,833406.84
Afghanistan,Baby Food,10/14/2011,893894.50
Afghanistan,Baby Food,10/20/2013,38919.16
Afghanistan,Baby Food,11/10/2015,51189.24
Afghanistan,Baby Food,11/19/2014,471247.76
My input in gnuplot terminal:
set title 'sales'
set xlabel 'date'
set ylabel 'profit'
set datafile separator ','
set xdata time
set timefmt "%m/%d/%y"
plot 100k.csv u 3:4 w lines
If I use this manual in the Gnuplot Terminal, it plots the wanted data. The problem is that it doesn't ignore the "headline" (Country,Item Type,Order Date,Total Profit)
It's not fully clear to me whether you are looking for a bash-script or a gnuplot-script, probably both. What I understand is that you want to make a call from the command line to generate some plots. So, you need to filter data from a CSV file and generate and save a plot to disk.
With the following suggestion you call gnuplot from the command line via:
gnuplot -c "SO70774684.gp" "Afghanistan" "Baby Food"
and gnuplot is doing all for you, i.e. filtering and generation of the PNG graph.
I assume that the entries are sorted by date, otherwise a line plot doesn't make too much sense or data needs to be sorted first. You are not specifying too many details, hence there is a lot of room for adjustments.
Data: 'SO70774684.csv'
with some more lines added.
Country, Item Type, Order Date, Total Profit
Afghanistan, Baby Food, 1/10/2010, 672649.62
Belgium, Baby Food, 1/10/2010, 1111
Afghanistan, Baby Food, 1/23/2010, 833406.84
Cyprus, Baby Food, 1/23/2010, 2222
Afghanistan, Baby Food, 10/14/2011, 893894.50
Denmark, Baby Food, 10/14/2011, 3333
Afghanistan, Baby Food, 10/20/2013, 38919.16
Estonia, Baby Food, 10/14/2011, 4444
Afghanistan, Baby Food, 11/19/2014, 471247.76
France, Baby Food, 10/14/2011, 5555
Afghanistan, Baby Food, 11/10/2015, 51189.24
Germany, Baby Food, 10/14/2011, 6666
Belgium, Baby Food, 1/10/2010, 1000
Cyprus, Baby Food, 1/23/2010, 2000
Denmark, Baby Food, 10/14/2011, 3000
Estonia, Baby Food, 10/14/2011, 4000
France, Baby Food, 10/14/2011, 5000
Germany, Baby Food, 10/14/2011, 6000
Code: (gnuplot script file 'SO70774684.gp'
### create gnuplot graph from command line call
reset session
FILE = 'SO70774684.csv'
Country = ARG1
Item = ARG2
set datafile separator comma
set xdata time
set timefmt "%m/%d/%Y"
set term pngcairo size 640,384 font ",10"
set output sprintf("%s,%s.png",Country,Item)
set ylabel "Total profit" font ",11"
set format x "%m\n%Y"
set boxwidth 1.0 relative
set style fill solid 0.3
set key noautotitle
set grid x,y
set title sprintf("%s: %s", Country, Item)
myFilter(colD,colF1,F1,colF2,F2) = strcol(colF1) eq F1 && strcol(colF2) eq F2 ? column(colD) : NaN
set datafile missing NaN
plot FILE u 3:(myFilter(4,1,Country,2,Item)) w lp pt 7 lc "red"
set output
### end of code
Result: (File: 'Afghanistan,Baby Food.png'