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odd type inference issue with 'validation', in F#

using the lib 'FsToolkit.ErrorHandling'

and the following code:

let f x =
    if x % 2 = 0 then Ok $"even {x}" else Error $"odd {x}"

let xx =
    validation {

        let! a = f 1
        and! b = f 2
        and! c = f 3

        return $"{a} {b} {c}"

printfn $"{xx.GetType()}"

The output is a

Result<string, string list>

Or, more specifically:


But the IDE (Rider) sees it differently:

enter image description here

Is this an expected behavior for some reason? or could it be a bug?


  • Validation<'a, 'err> is a type alias for Result<'a, 'err list>:

    This doesn't create a new type but creates a new way to refer to an existing type, which means that they can be used interchangeably.