I am having trouble firing events associated with an input box. These are Event listeners in the "Events" window of "DOM Explorer" when I inspect the relevant text box. They are however not listed in the HTML of the input box itself.
Of the several events listeners listed (e.g. "input", "blur", "paste") they all fire the same javascript function "x". Whilst my code does insert the text, the field does not validate on pressing the submit button and highlights red. A manual entry or a cut and paste will solve this.
I tried .fireEvent ; .dispatchEvent and even attempted to call the javascript directly. It is a public website and the address is in the code. I include below the code to fill in the first 3 fields.
Below is the HTML of the field:
<input class="office-form-question-textbox office-form-textfield-input form-control office-form-theme-focus-border border-no-radius" aria-labelledby="QuestionId_r57b9be42eed24e63b4d2af31c178f530 QuestionInfo_r57b9be42eed24e63b4d2af31c178f530" spellcheck="true" maxlength="4000" placeholder="Enter your answer">
The screenshot of the DOM explorer window:
Private Sub Test()
myAddress = "https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=q4GdsF1ZzU2rJGpWVuGNiROj17Ac1mtIt6V80jIX_PFUMEs1VTZaQ0VRV1NNNVI4Vzg3V0RMOE83TS4u"
'create new instance of IE.
Set IE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
IE.Visible = True
IE.navigate myAddress
'wait for loading
Do While IE.Busy = True Or IE.readyState <> 4: DoEvents: Loop
WasteTime (0.1) 'Custom function to pause for 0.1 sec
Dim myData(1 To 3, 1 To 3) As String
myData(1, 1) = "Member Surname"
myData(2, 1) = "QuestionId_r57b9be42eed24e63b4d2af31c178f530"
myData(3, 1) = "Chowdhary"
myData(1, 2) = "Member Forename"
myData(2, 2) = "QuestionId_rb88bf6d86f284dbaa14e5f3f27ee9f5b"
myData(3, 2) = "Saqib"
myData(1, 3) = "Member DOB"
myData(2, 3) = "QuestionId_r38d6e5656a6b4fbf86f586d10cbd8cb6"
myData(3, 3) = "19/04/1971"
Set objItem = IE.document.getElementsByTagName("input")
x = 0
Do While x < objItem.Length
Set ele = objItem(x)
mySearch = ele.outerHTML
For c = 1 To UBound(myData, 2)
If InStr(mySearch, myData(2, c)) > 0 Then
ele.Value = myData(3, c)
Set event_onChange = IE.document.createEvent("HTMLEvents")
event_onChange.initEvent "paste", True, False
ele.dispatchEvent event_onChange 'This does not fire event
'ele.FireEvent ("onpaste") '- This did not work either
'IE.document.parentWindow.execScript code:="x(c)" ' Tried to directly call the javascript function
Exit For
End If
Next c
x = x + 1
End sub
So I did finally get the code to work based on the same .initEvent
and .dispatchEvent
methods. I just needed to introduce a short 0.1 sec pause (using a custom "Wastetime" function) to allow the element to fully load. For interest the changed relevent code snippet is:
Set objItem = IE.Document.getElementsByTagName("input")
x = 0
Do While x < objItem.Length
Set ele = objItem(x)
mySearch = ele.outerHTML ' Could just enumerate the input indexes in order
For c = 1 To UBound(myInternalArray, 2)
If InStr(mySearch, myInternalArray(2, c)) > 0 Then
If myInternalArray(3, c) = "click" Then
WasteTime (0.1) 'Time for form to expand
Exit For
ele.Value = myInternalArray(3, c)
Set event_onInput = IE.Document.createEvent("HTMLEvents")
event_onInput.initEvent "input", True, False
ele.dispatchEvent event_onInput
Exit For
End If
End If
Next c
x = x + 1