I'm testing out the search api filtering and have a relatedTags parameter that is of type Collection(Edm.String) and when I perform the following filter:
relatedTags/any(rt: search.in(rt, 'Tag 3, Tag 2'))
which is equivalent to
relatedTags/any(rt: rt eq 'Tag 3' or rt eq 'Tag 2')
Only the latter will return results where the string array, relatedTags, has either of those values.
If I set the delimiter to '|'
or ','
relatedTags/any(rt: search.in(rt, 'Tag 3|Tag 2', '|'))
will it return the same as the eq
example above.
Even specifying the delimiter as ' ,'
or ' '
won't return results.
relatedTags/any(rt: search.in(rt, 'Tag 3, Tag 2', ' ,'))
The search.in OData language ref page has an example that is the same as what I've written in the first example:
Rooms/any(room: room/Tags/any(tag: search.in(tag, 'wifi, tub')))
Your query is not the same as the example because the values in your comma-separated list have spaces inside them. You need to set the delimiter to just comma, not space or comma:
relatedTags/any(rt: search.in(rt, 'Tag 3,Tag 2', ','))
You will likely also need to trim whitespace around your tags in order for this to work.