I have a dataframe with 3 columns (INSTNR, Enhedsadresser, API_response), where the 3rd column (API_response) contains JSON objects. I would like to flatten the JSON object and store the extracted information in separate columns within the same df. I am particularly interested in extracting kategori, resultater -> adresse -> id, and resultater -> adresse -> adgangsadresseid information.
I have tried:
data = json_normalize(data=df['API_response'], record_path='resultater',
meta=['kategori'], errors='ignore')
but it simply returns TypeError: string indices must be integers
Whereas data = json_normalize(data=df['API_response'])
gave me a column with a list of indices...
How can I extract the needed information?
Example of a JSON object:
"kategori": "A",
"resultater": [
"adresse": {
"id": "0a3f50bc-f815-32b8-e044-0003ba298018",
"vejnavn": "Staldgaardsgade",
"adresseringsvejnavn": "Staldgaardsgade",
"husnr": "39A",
"supplerendebynavn": null,
"postnr": "7100",
"postnrnavn": "Vejle",
"status": 1,
"virkningstart": "2009-11-24T02:15:25.000Z",
"virkningslut": null,
"adgangsadresseid": "0a3f5090-edef-32b8-e044-0003ba298018",
"etage": "st",
"dør": "th",
"href": "https://api.dataforsyningen.dk/adresser/0a3f50bc-f815-32b8-e044-0003ba298018"
"aktueladresse": {
"id": "0a3f50bc-f815-32b8-e044-0003ba298018",
"vejnavn": "Staldgaardsgade",
"adresseringsvejnavn": "Staldgaardsgade",
"husnr": "39A",
"supplerendebynavn": null,
"postnr": "7100",
"postnrnavn": "Vejle",
"status": 1,
"virkningstart": "2009-11-24T02:15:25.000Z",
"virkningslut": null,
"adgangsadresseid": "0a3f5090-edef-32b8-e044-0003ba298018",
"etage": "st",
"dør": "th",
"href": "https://api.dataforsyningen.dk/adresser/0a3f50bc-f815-32b8-e044-0003ba298018"
"vaskeresultat": {
"variant": {
"vejnavn": "Staldgaardsgade",
"husnr": "39A",
"etage": "st",
"dør": "th",
"supplerendebynavn": null,
"postnr": "7100",
"postnrnavn": "Vejle"
"afstand": 0,
"forskelle": {
"vejnavn": 0,
"husnr": 0,
"postnr": 0,
"postnrnavn": 0,
"etage": 0,
"dør": 0
"parsetadresse": {
"vejnavn": "Staldgaardsgade",
"husnr": "39A",
"etage": "st",
"dør": "th",
"postnr": "7100",
"postnrnavn": "Vejle"
"ukendtetokens": [],
"anvendtstormodtagerpostnummer": null
Link to API response containing this JSON object: https://api.dataforsyningen.dk/datavask/adresser?betegnelse=Staldgaardsgade%2039A%20st%20th,%207100%20Vejle
I created GitHub repo with data and python script: https://github.com/mantasbacys/TREFOR
Series.str.get can help you extract individual elements from a dictionary column.
If API_response
is a column of dictionaries formatted as your example, you can use:
df['kategori'] = df['api_response'].str.get('kategori')
df['id'] = (
.str.get('resultater') # get resultater object
.str.get(0) # get first element in list
df['adgangsadresseid'] = = (
.str.get('resultater') # get resultater object
.str.get(0) # get first element in list
Note that this will fail if the format doesn't match, so double check! E.g. if there are multiple elements in the resultater
list, you may want to use Series.explode instead.
Your file shows that API_response
column actually contains parsed JSON dictionaries saved as strings. This means .str.get
methods do not work as the values are not valid dictionaries.
As a quick fix, you should convert the dictionary strings to actual dictionaries first:
def convert(s):
"""Convert dictionary string to JSON-like format and parse with json module"""
s = s.replace("'", '"')
s = s.replace("None", "null")
return json.loads(s)
df['api_response'] = df.API_response.apply(convert)
# Alternative - UNSAFE! (see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1832940/why-is-using-eval-a-bad-practice)
# df['api_response'] = df.API_response.apply(eval)
I am assuming this is happening because you first download the data, then you parse it into a dictionary, and save in a file before you load it again. This conversion to a string column happens as you save the file.
To avoid this conversion to string and back, try parsing the JSON and extracting values of interest in a single script.