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C++ camera component can't look up or down

I replaced the standard blue print camera with a c++ version so it works with my other functions that have been converted to c++

m_camera = CreateDefaultSubobject<UCameraComponent>(TEXT("camera"));

but for some reason even though the m_camera node is connected to everything the blueprint node was I can’t look up or down. is there a way to fix this? I have done nothing to change the mouse input part of the default blueprint enter image description here

and the components that were part of the original camera were moved over to the c++ cameraenter image description here

I also can't see the details panel for the camera

enter image description here


  • Check your values for UseControllerRotation

    enter image description here

    To see details for the camera it has to have a metatag EditAnywhere in the .h

    UCameraComponent* m_Camera