Lets say i have a list or dictionary, each one contains many dictionaries, lists, sets,string,floats, and so on. every time i need to handle different structure, but what i know is that all the strings (some of them in different level of nesting) have some extra spaces in them, so i need to trim them using :
if (type(variable)==str):
How can i access all these variables given an unknown structure being = [' 1',2,3,{},[[],{}],9,9]
or maybe {'1:2,2:[],9:[],10:[[[]]]}
In case of dictionaries, the keys are ok (trimming won't change anything, so i don't mind doing it), just need to change the values
Is there an elegant function for this?
Combination of recursion and checking for types will let you process a structure in a predetermined way without knowing its exact structure beforehand. You need to know how each specific container should be handled though.
variable = {'1':2,2:[],9:[],10:[[[]]]}
def custom_strip(variable):
if isinstance(variable, dict):
for k, v in variable.items():
variable[k] = custom_strip(v)
return variable
if isinstance(variable, list):
return [custom_strip(v) for v in variable]
if isinstance(variable, set):
return {custom_strip(v) for v in variable}
if isinstance(variable, float) or isinstance(variable, int):
return variable + 1
if isinstance(variable, str):
return variable.strip()
raise TypeError("Unknown type")