async def on_message(message):
msg = message.content
if message.content.startswith("https:"):
response = requests.get(f"https://steamid.io/lookup/" f"{msg}")
soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, "html.parser")
When I run the code, the codes of the site are written as html
<dl class="panel-body dl-horizontal">
<dt class="key">
<dd class="value short">
<img alt="copy to clipboard" class="cp" data-clipboard-text="STEAM_0:0:444916529" data-placement="bottom" data-toggle="tooltip" src="https://steamid.io/static/img/copy.png" title="copy to clipboard"/>
<a href="https://steamid.io/lookup/STEAM_0:0:444916529" id="a" rel="nofollow">
<dt class="key">
<dd class="value short">
<img alt="copy to clipboard" class="cp" data-clipboard-text="[U:1:889833058]" data-placement="bottom" data-toggle="tooltip" src="https://steamid.io/static/img/copy.png" title="copy to clipboard"/>
<a href="https://steamid.io/lookup/[U:1:889833058]" rel="nofollow">
<dt class="key">
<dd class="value short">
<img alt="copy to clipboard" class="cp" data-clipboard-text="76561198850098786" data-placement="bottom" data-toggle="tooltip" src="https://steamid.io/static/img/copy.png" title="copy to clipboard"/>
<a href="https://steamid.io/lookup/76561198850098786">
<dt class="key">
<dd class="value short">
not set
<dt class="key">
profile state
I want to parse and select the following part from those codes
<dt class="key">
<dd class="value short">
<img alt="copy to clipboard" class="cp" data-clipboard-text="76561198850098786" data-placement="bottom" data-toggle="tooltip" src="https://steamid.io/static/img/copy.png" title="copy to clipboard"/>
<a href="https://steamid.io/lookup/76561198850098786">
I want to parse and select the section that says "76561198850098786" from here, how can I do it?
You can use the :-soup-contains
to target the element with class key
containing the term steamID64
, then use an adjacent sibling combinator to move to the adjacent element with class value
, then a child combinator to move to the a
tag having the desired value
soup.select_one('.key:-soup-contains("steamID64") + .value > a').text