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How to vectorize the sum aggregation?

I was trying to vectorize this piece of Python (or Matlab after some minor changes) code, which is the sum aggregation for a directed graph

for j in range(batchSize):
    for i in range(2*nEdges[j]):

I know how to drop one of the loops when it is =, but I failed to find a way to do it with this += case. The difficulty to do the same trick lies in that receivers[j,i] could be the same value for different j and is.

Do anyone have some idea on how to do the vectorization in this case?

Thanks a lot :)


  • Finally found it. torch_scatter package offers this functionality (for pytorch tensors). The nested loop can be rewritten as

    localSum = torch_scatter.scatter(localFeature,receivers,dim=1,reduce='sum')