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Remove-Item : Cannot remove item because it is being used by another process

The problem is very easy to understand.

Yesterday I have installed en_visual_studio_2015_shell_isolated_x86_dvd_9fda4a05.iso and the file is hanging on my Desktop.

enter image description here

When I try to delete it through Remove-Item .\en_visual_studio_2015_shell_isolated_x86_dvd_9fda4a05.iso the Terminal fires back with the error:

Remove-Item : Cannot remove item C:\Users\franc\OneDrive\Desktop\en_visual_studio_2015_shell_isolated_x86_dvd_9fda4a05.iso: The process cannot access the file
'C:\Users\franc\OneDrive\Desktop\en_visual_studio_2015_shell_isolated_x86_dvd_9fda4a05.iso' because it is being used by another process.
At line:1 char:1
+ Remove-Item .\en_visual_studio_2015_shell_isolated_x86_dvd_9fda4a05.i ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : WriteError: (C:\Users\franc\...vd_9fda4a05.iso:FileInfo) [Remove-Item], IOException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : RemoveFileSystemItemIOError,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.RemoveItemCommand

So I tried to find out what is handling that file:

$handleOut = handle
foreach ($line in $handleOut) { 
        if ($line -match '\S+\spid:') {
            $exe = $line
        elseif ($line -match 'C:\\Users\\franc\\OneDrive\\Desktop\\en_visual_studio_2015_shell_isolated_x86_dvd_9fda4a05.iso')  { 
            "$exe - $line"

But the answer was:

System pid: 4 \<unable to open process> -  7540: File  (R--)   C:\Users\franc\OneDrive\Desktop\en_visual_studio_2015_shell_isolated_x86_dvd_9fda4a05.iso
System pid: 4 \<unable to open process> -  7B18: File  (RW-)   C:\Users\franc\OneDrive\Desktop\en_visual_studio_2015_shell_isolated_x86_dvd_9fda4a05.iso

I ultimately used Process Explorer and I found out that what is handling the file is OneDrive.

I stopped OneDrive but the problem persists.

Any suggestion?


  • This is sheerly speculation, but it sounds like you need to unmount the iso: