I have just upgrade my app from ionic 5 to 6 with
same error coming in
FacebookAuthProvider OAuthProvider GoogleAuthProvider
and importing timestamp is causing issues with below error
Other than this all imports from '@angular/fire/firestore working well
export 'Timestamp' (imported as 'Timestamp') was not found in '@angular/fire/firestore' (possible exports: Firestore, FirestoreInstances, .......)
tried export 'firestore' (imported as 'firebase') was not found in 'firebase' after upgrading to firebase js sdk v8 but no luck
After Subscribing to a firebase stream You could convert any field with Timestamp type to date type: Let's suppose We have a document has a field named createdAt:
const createdAt = new Date(createdAt.seconds * 1000 + createdAt.nanoseconds/1000000);