I'm building a slack app using the slack Bolt API, and I want to open modals from my App's home page when a button on the home page is clicked.
Here's the relevant bit of the action listener that is connected to the button:
app.action("follow-users-button", async ({ ack, payload, client }) => {
await ack();
console.log("app_home opening keyusermodal");
// await block_actions.unfollowKeyuser(action);
console.log("payload = " + JSON.stringify(payload));
await client.views.open({
trigger_id: payload.trigger_id,
Here's what I get on my terminal when I click that button:
payload = {"action_id":"follow-users-button","block_id":"2JW","text":{"type":"plain_text","text":"Users","emoji":true},"value":"click_me_123","type":"button","action_ts":"1642280065.631917"}
[ERROR] bolt-app missing required field: trigger_id
The JSON there is the action payload.
However, according to the Slack docs, this payload should be much larger. Here's the sample payload from Slack's Block Kit Builder:
"type": "block_actions",
"user": {
"id": "U02NF0A8D9T",
"username": "person",
"name": "person",
"team_id": "T02NTJ0UDP3"
"api_app_id": "A02",
"token": "Shh_its_a_seekrit",
"container": {
"type": "message",
"text": "The contents of the original message where the action originated"
"trigger_id": "12466734323.1395872398",
"team": {
"id": "T02NTJ0UDK3",
"domain": "4most-r637660"
"enterprise": null,
"is_enterprise_install": false,
"state": {
"values": {}
"response_url": "https://www.postresponsestome.com/T123567/1509734234",
"actions": [
"type": "button",
"block_id": "QdL",
"action_id": "button-action",
"text": {
"type": "plain_text",
"text": "Click Me",
"emoji": true
"value": "click_me_123",
"action_ts": "1642279809.506518"
As you can see, I'm only receiving the actions element in my payload. Where's the rest of it? Why isn't it coming over? I need the trigger_id to open a modal (not having it causes the error), and getting things like user_id would be extremely helpful for my app.
Thanks in advance!
When working with the Bolt JS framework, the expected way to parse the action payload to get the trigger id is body.trigger_id