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How do I convert from one currency to another if only the country code is given?

I have a data set something like this:

value <- data.frame(Country = c('AUS', 'AUT', 'GBR'), amount = c(200, 150, 300))

every amount is given in the respectives country currency. So 200 in Aus. Dollar, 150 in Euro and 300 in Pound. What I want at the end is every number converted to the same currency, let's say Euro.

I already found something like library(quantmod) but this only helps with conversion. So I would need to get the currency first only from the country code.

Any Ideas?


  • We can use the countrycode package to convert ISO3 country codes into the relevant ISO4217 currency codes, then use priceR to use that to convert each currency to a single one, Euros in this example.

    Let's first get the currency code.

    value$currency_code <- countrycode(value$Country, "iso3c", "iso4217c")
    #>   Country amount currency_code
    #> 1     AUS    200           AUD
    #> 2     AUT    150           EUR
    #> 3     GBR    300           GBP

    We can then get all the latest Euro exchange rates.

    e_df <- exchange_rate_latest("EUR")
    #> Daily EUR exchange rate as at end of day 2022-01-18 GMT
    #>     currency one_eur_is_equivalent_to
    #> 1        AED                 4.184241
    #> 2        AFN               119.337926
    #> 3        ALL               122.074346
    #> 4        AMD               547.591037
    #> 5        ANG                 2.052008
    #> 6        AOA               611.091441

    Last, let's bring that the exchange into our data frame and calculate the amounts in Euros.

    value$exchange_euro <- e_df$one_eur_is_equivalent_to[match(value$currency_code, e_df$currency)]
    value$amount_euro <- value$amount / value$exchange_euro
    #>   Country amount currency_code exchange_euro amount_euro
    #> 1     AUS    200           AUD      1.584396    126.2311
    #> 2     AUT    150           EUR      1.000000    150.0000
    #> 3     GBR    300           GBP      0.836131    358.7955