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Ressources not loaded after setting CSP and CORP headers using Helmet

Trying to make the web-app safer and force myself to control better future additions (JS and CSS assets on different CDNs), I'm running Helmet plugin in my Fastify (same as Express) web-app.

If I deactivate all Helmet controls like the following: fastify.register(helmet, false) all works fine and all resources are loaded on client.

Then I tried to play (until exhaustion) with different configurations, nothing is working. The config and the browser error as the following:

    // contentSecurityPolicy: false,
    crossOriginResourcePolicy: { policy: 'same-site'}, 
    contentSecurityPolicy: {
      directives: {
        "default-src": ["'self'"],
        "style-src": ["'self'", "'unsafe-inline'", '', '',
          '', ''],
        "script-src": ["'self'", '', "", "'unsafe-inline'"],
        "img-src": ["'self'", "'data'", "*"],
        "font-src": ["'self'", '', '', '']

Even setting

{ contentSecurityPolicy: false, crossOriginResourcePolicy: { policy: 'same-site'} }

with other variations of policy: same-origin, cross-origin none seems to work.


As you can see, I'm running on LOCALHOST too and I didn't test elsewhere.


  • tl;dr: disable the Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy header, enabled by default in Helmet v5.

      crossOriginEmbedderPolicy: false,
      // ...

    Helmet maintainer here.

    Helmet sets the the Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy HTTP response header to require-corp.

    Setting this header means that loading cross-origin resources (like an image from another resource) is trickier. For example, loading a cross-origin like this...

    <img alt="My picture" src="">

    ...won't work unless explicitly allows it, by setting some response headers of its own. Your browser will try to load, and if it's not explicitly allowed, your browser will drop the response.

    To fix this, you can prevent Helmet from setting the Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy header, like this:

        crossOriginEmbedderPolicy: false,
        // ...

    I made a small sample app you can use to play around with this.