currently I'm uploading something file. Succeed when uploading the file to Google Cloud Storage, but when get the file, I have getting error something like this
If I check and see detail, the source is wrong, for example, the correct link should be like this
Anyone can help me? Thank you
My reference and package got from this source :
The issue already solved!
The way to solve that issue is
, fill it like this.const fs = require('fs');
module.exports = ({ env }) => ({
upload: {
config: {
provider: 'strapi-provider-upload-google-cloud-storage',
providerOptions: {
serviceAccount: JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(process.env.GCS_SERVICE_ACCOUNT)),
bucketName: env('GCS_BUCKET_NAME'),
basePath: env('GCS_BASE_PATH'),
baseUrl: env('GCS_BASE_URL'),
publicFiles: true,
uniform: false,
gzip: true,
The key is publicFiles
, because if value is false it doesn't create public url in Google Cloud Storage and we cannot get and see the image
module.exports = [
name: 'strapi::security',
config: {
contentSecurityPolicy: {
useDefaults: true,
directives: {
'connect-src': ["'self'", 'https:'],
'img-src': ["'self'", 'data:', 'blob:', ''],
'media-src': ["'self'", 'data:', 'blob:', ''],
upgradeInsecureRequests: null,