I have a parent class which is declared as a generic, an abstract subclass and a concrete implementation of that subclass, which declares the generic type:
MyType = TypeVar('MyType')
class A(Generic[MyType]):
a: MyType
class B(Generic[MyType], A[MyType]):
class C(B[int]):
But this doesn't forward the generic declaration from C to A, so the type of a is not int. Is there a correct way to do this? Tried searching both SO and python docs but could not find anything.
On A
you have a class variable, so it is shared amongst all instances of the class. If you try and type hint this you have a conflict anytime you create a new sub-class of A
For instance what type does a
have here:
class A(Generic[MyType]):
a: MyType
class A1(A[str]):
class A2(A[int]):
If you want to represent a member variable on A
then you can do it like this:
class A(Generic[MyType]):
def __init__(self, a: MyType):
self.val = a
class B(Generic[MyType], A[MyType]):
def __init__(self, b: MyType):
A.__init__(self, b)
class C(B[int]):
def __init__(self, c: int):
B.__init__(self, c)
class D(B[str]):
def __init__(self, d: str):
B.__init__(self, d)
Here we have two classes C
and D which both have different generics
str` and the type hinting works because we are creating sub-classes which have different generics on them.
Hope after 6 months this might help :)