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Place variables inside JSON string in React

I wonder if it's possible to place variables into a JSON string value.

Some example: (file.json)

  "type": "description",
  "description": "${} is ${this.age} years old. ${}'s favorite color is ${this.favColor}"

Then in React:

data = require("file.json);
name = "John";
age = 20;
favColor = "blue";

render function...

render() {
  return() {

Any way to do something like this? The goal is to replace the variables automatically.


  • You can do a manual string find & replace. Something like the following answer will be ok:

    This could then look something like the following in your React Component:

    // Your JSON data as string
    const json = `{
      "type": "description",
      "description": "{name} is {age} years old. {name}'s favorite color is {favColor}"
    // method to find and replace interpolate values
    const interpolate = (str, values) => {
      return str.replace(/{([^{}]*)}/g,
          (a, b) => {
              const r = values[b];
              return typeof r === 'string' || typeof r === 'number' ? r : a;
    const SomeComponent = () => {
      const values = {
        name: 'John',
        age: 27,
        favColor: 'red'
      // Interpolate before parsing the JSON!
      const parsedJson = JSON.parse(interpolate(json, values));
      // Now you can use the object with the correct values filled in
      return <p>{parsedJson.description}</p>;

    If you use Class components, you could even try passing in this instead of values and use local values, similar to how you described it in your question
    Should (maybe) work out of the box aswell.