Is there a quick way to check whether a whole row of a variant is empty?
My multi-dimensional array / variant has n-rows and m-columns.
The only way I can think of is to loop through the columns (of a specific row) and use the IsEmpty() function to determine if a cell is empty.
The variant only consists strings.
Do you know a faster way? Maybe something like this pseudo-code: IsEmpty(myarr(1,*))
this pseudocode would mean to check the all columns of the first row if they are empty.
You could try something like:
Sub Test()
Dim myarr() As Variant, indx As Long
myarr = Range("A8:C20").Value 'Or however you initialize your array.
indx = 1 'Or whichever row you would want to check.
With Application
Debug.Print Join(.Index(myarr, indx, 0), "") <> ""
End With
End Sub
Not sure if it will be faster than a loop though, since we call a worksheet application.