I have following SQL query in SQL Server 2019
DECLARE @CoustomerCode nvarchar(255)
set @CoustomerCode = 1165
select * from tblCustomer CC
outer apply(SELECT * FROM OPENQUERY ([], 'SELECT * FROM RepServiceDB.dbo.Info('+ @CoustomerCode +')' ) as SR ) HH
where CC.fldCustomerCode = @CustomerCode
SQL error:
Incorrect syntax near '+'.
You would have to use dynamic SQL, if you must use OPENQUERY
, as the query within the call must be a literal:
DECLARE @SQL nvarchar(MAX),
@CRLF nchar(2) = NCHAR(13) + NCHAR(10);
DECLARE @CoustomerCode nvarchar(255);
SET @CoustomerCode = N'1165'; --This is an nvarchar, so you should define it as one.
N'FROM dbo.tblCustomer CC ' + @CRLF +
N' OUTER APPLY(SELECT * FROM OPENQUERY ([], ''SELECT * FROM RepServiceDB.dbo.Info('''''+ REPLACE(@CoustomerCode,'''','''''''''') +''''')'' ) as SR ) HH' + @CRLF +
N'WHERE CC.fldCustomerCode = @CoustomerCode;';
EXEC sys.sp_executesql @SQL, N'@CoustomerCode nvarchar(255)',@CoustomerCode;
And, yes, I really am replacing a single single quote ('
) with four in the statement. This is because it's a literal string, inside a literal string, inside a literal string, so need double escaping.