I have some .ini file to read by PHP. Then, the styles of file contents are as follows;
delete_date = 0101,0211,1115
setting_day_name = aaa, bbb
setting_day = 0811, 1201
company = c1,c2,c3
I want some arrays with each sessions(title1, title2, title3) like this;
title1 = array(0101,0211,1115);
title2 = array({'setting_day_name' => aaa, 'setting_day' => '0811'},
{setting_day_name: bbb, setting_day: 1201});
title3 = array(c1,c2,c3);
I think how to divide sessions and items in each session is important. How can I pass this file?
You should try to use the parse_ini_file
function of PHP (https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.parse-ini-file.php), available since PHP 4.
In your case:
$data = parse_ini_file("my_file.ini", true); // true to decode sections
$data === [
'title1' => [
'delete_date' => '0101,0211,1115'