My SDK uses several dependencies that use their own activities. Some of them allow me to configure the screenshot protection level (allow or not), other never allows them, and a third one doesn´t have any way to configure it. If I set my SDK to not allow screenshots (and cascade that to the dependency that allows me to set that configuration), there´s still a screen (belonging to the third dependency, the one without this feature) that can be fully seen.
Yes, the third dependency would need to develop this feature, but at the moment I'm looking for a way to set this protection level regardless which activity is shown. Is there a way, maybe setting something on the manifest, to get this?
I know that programmatically it would be
getWindow().setFlags(LayoutParams.FLAG_SECURE, LayoutParams.FLAG_SECURE);
but I have no access to the dependency´s activity to apply this, hence looking for an alternative.
At the moment, for an SDK/Library there´s no way to enforce a security policy like on Activities belonging to third party dependencies unless said dependencies have a feature like the one mentioned on the question.