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How can I get the list of days of each month in the "JODA" library?

I need to get a list of days each month in the JODA library. how can I do that?


  • tl;dr

    Using java.time, the successor to Joda-Time.

    yearMonth               // An instance of `java.time.YearMonth`.
    .atDay( 1 )             // Returns a `LocalDate` object for the first of the month.
    .datesUntil(            // Get a range of dates.
        .plusMonths( 1 )    // Move to the following month.
        .atDay( 1 )         // Get the first day of that following month, a `LocalDate` object.
    )                       // Returns a stream of `LocalDate` objects.
    .toList()               // Collects the streamed objects into a list. 

    For older versions of Java without a Stream#toList method, use collect( Collectors.toList() ).


    The Joda-Time project is now in maintenance mode. The project recommends moving to its successor, the java.time classes defined in JSR 310 and built into Java 8 and later. Android 26+ has an implementation. For earlier Android, the latest Gradle tooling makes most of the java.time functionality available via « API desugaring ».


    Specify a month.

    YearMonth ym = ;

    Interrogate for its length.

    int lengthOfMonth = ym.lengthOfMonth() ;


    To get a list of dates, get the first date of the month.

    LocalDate start = ym.atDay( 1 ) ;

    And the first day of the next month.

    LocalDate end = ym.plusMonths( 1 ).atDay( 1 ) ;

    Get a stream of dates in between. Collect into a list.

    List< LocalDate > dates = start.datesUntil( end ).toList() ;