I have created one GA4 property (property-1) and one of our partner/vendor team creating another GA4 property (property-2). When we launch our vendor pages the events are getting tracked through Property-2.
Is there any way that to copy few/specific events from Property-2 to Property-1 without manual way. We are thinking like manually exporting the property-2 events to CSV from bigquery linking. Then import the events csv into Property-1, which seems manual process and not a feasible solution.
You can use The google analytics data api to extract from each property.
POST https://analyticsdata.googleapis.com/v1beta/properties/GA4_PROPERTY_ID:runReport
"dateRanges": [{ "startDate": "2020-09-01", "endDate": "2020-09-15" }],
"dimensions": [{ "name": "country" }],
"metrics": [{ "name": "activeUsers" }]
This data is extracted in Json format so you will need to format it however you want in order to do your analytics.
"dimensionHeaders": [
"name": "country"
"metricHeaders": [
"name": "activeUsers",
"type": "TYPE_INTEGER"
"rows": [
"dimensionValues": [
"value": "Japan"
"metricValues": [
"value": "2541"
"dimensionValues": [
"value": "France"
"metricValues": [
"value": "12"
"metadata": {},
"rowCount": 2
Note: At the time of writing the Google analytics data api is still in Beta. And may change in the future.
This is a Beta version of the product. While no breaking changes are expected in this phase, pre-GA products may have limited support, and changes to pre-GA products may not be compatible with other pre-GA versions.