In Accounting -> Invoices
When creating a new invoice and confirming it, the system will generate the next running sequence from Journal's sequence. However, I need to change it so that I have a Many2One field (already created into the model) named sequence
to store the sequence to be generated for the name when confirm. The question is I don't know where or what method to inherit and customize in order to achieve such process.
I tried tracking it down to _compute_name
method in account.move
model but it goes further into _get_last_sequence
which is more like a method from a general model that I think I should not be tinkering with it. So, I am stuck here.
I finally ended up solving the issue by overwriting _compute_name
method in account.move
@api.depends('posted_before', 'state', 'journal_id', 'date')
def _compute_name(self):
if self.state == 'draft': = '/'
elif self.state == 'posted':
if self.sequence.code: = self.env['ir.sequence'].next_by_code(self.sequence.code)
super(AccountMoveInherit, self)._compute_name()