I have some time series plots I've done a long time ago that I would like to improve in terms of graphics and style. However, I didn't save the raw data and I cannot recover them.
So I was wondering, is there a way to retrieve data points from a chart image (e.g. png file)? like I input an image and I get a csv/dataframe/array with pairs of x,y coordinates?
To give an idea, that's the kind of images I would like to convert:
I've seen this GRABIT could potentially work but I'm not familiar with MatLab. Is there anything python-based or possibly some web tools?
there is a little and simple software develop here in Brazil that can do this kind of thing.
You have to download in the following link: http://paginapessoal.utfpr.edu.br/lasouza/analise-nao-linear-de-estruturas/Pega%20Ponto%201.0.exe/view
You can load the image, specify the origin and set the x and y labels. After you can retrieve the points that you clicked on the image.