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count number of occurences and compute values in two files using awk

I have 2 files, file1 has 1M rows approx, and file2 around 1k rows.

file1 contains some fields (tower_id, user_id, signal_strength) and looks like this:


file2 contains other fields (tower_id, x_position, y_position), and looks like this:


The sum of signal_strength for each user_id is 1. I need to compute the user position, based on the signal strength for each tower, by counting the number of towers for each user, and compute the multiplication of the strength_signal by the tower_position values, like this:

"00abcde" --> 0.65*34+0.35*78, 0.65*22+0.35*56
"00bcdef" --> 1.0*36, 1.0*37
"00cdefg" --> 0.1*34+0.4*12+0.3*55+0.2*02, 0.1*22+0.4*32+0.3*04+0.2*03

So the output file should look something like this (user_id, computed_x_position, computed_y_position):


My idea was to use awk, somehow use the "seen" feature and file1 and file2 as input files (like awk 'NR==FNR {some commands} {print some values}' file1 file2 > outputfile ), but I don't know how to do it. Anyone can help me?


  • This may be what you want:

    awk -F '[,"]+' '
        NR==FNR { towx[$2] = $3; towy[$2] = $4; next }
                { usrx[$3] += towx[$2] * $4; usry[$3] += towy[$2] * $4 }
        END     { for (usr in usrx) printf "%s,%.1f,%.1f\n",
                                           usr, usrx[usr], usry[usr] }
    ' file2 file1 # file2 precedes file1