Using the fast-csv also supports async validation, with a callback example at
How do I get access to the error in the 'data-error' event?
The validate event has a callback with prototype of error, boolean, string.
.validate((row: Winner, processValidationError): void => {
const valid = /^[a-zA-Z0-9\\]*$/.test(row.groupId);
if (valid) {
return processValidationError(null, false,'ok' )
// Error, boolean, reason: string
const error = new WinnerValidationError("Failed to read groupId", 'groupId')
return processValidationError(error, true,'groupId is invalid');
On data-invalid the prototype is row, row number string and no error
.on('data-invalid', (row, rowNumber: number, reason: string) => {
console.log(error.message + error.key, `Invalid [rowNumber=${rowNumber}]
[row=${JSON.stringify(row)}] [reason=${reason}]`)
The error is passed in as the third argument (reason):
.on('data-invalid', (row, rowNumber, reason) => {
console.log(`Invalid row ${rowNumber}: ${reason}`);
If you throw an error instead of a string (which is good practice), you can access it as follows:
.on('data-invalid', (row, rowNumber, error) => {
console.log(`Invalid row ${rowNumber}: ${error.message}`);