I am calling slack API(conversations.history) to get channel messages. I want to retrieve sender name in message response. how can i get it?
below is my message response:
{ "client_msg_id": "0e19ca7d-1072-4f73-a932-9ec7fa9956de",
"type": "message",
"text": "Yeah good edge case, I would agree, just mentioning \" no data found\"",
"user": "U01JW9D10PQ",
"ts": "1642216920.001100",
"team": "T01K38V9Q7M", blocks:[]}
The conversations.history API doesn't return user information (just user id), you may need to fetch each user from the channel history, see an example code:
Get Slack channel history users | Run in Fusebit |
const channelId = 'C02TSNCQ2Q2';
const channelHistory = await client.conversations.history({
channel: channelId,
// Get the user ids from the history and populate an array with the user details
const userList = [];
for await (let message of channelHistory.messages) {
const userAdded = userList.find(user => user.id === message.user);
if (!userAdded) {
const response = await slackClient.users.info({
user: message.user,
if (response.ok) {
const { id, name, real_name, profile, is_bot } = response.user;
userList.push({ id, name, real_name, profile, is_bot });
console.log(`There are ${userList.length} users in the channel conversation:\n${userList.map(user => `${(user.is_bot ? '🤖' : '👤')} ${user.name}`).join('\n')}`);