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Introducing non-ground vars into a Prolog query for a custom DSL query language

I have written an external DSL with SWI-Prolog that works by parsing text with a DCG, transforms parsed expressions into facts that get asserted into the Prolog process, then exposes a query language to the user using the same DCG grammar to query against the facts.

I am stuck trying to figure out how to translate a ground term resulting from a DCG-based parser into a non-ground term with variables that can be passed into a functor like findall/3 to return a list of query results for the user.

Here is an example of a dataset that could be queried:

congruent(const(aa), const(bb)).
congruent(const(bb), const(cc)).
congruent(const(cc), const(dd)).

and here is an example of a normalized query term from the parser:

congruent(const(aa), wildcard).

So I presumably need some way to transform wildcard from an atom into a free variable that I can pass to findall/3 (or similar). For example:

findall(X, congruent(const(aa), X), Result).

My problem arises when trying to substitute wildcard with a free variable. AFAIK, a functor can't return a completely unbound free variable, so I can't create any way to programmatically descend a complex query term to interpolate free variables wherever a wildcard atom is found, then pass that into a functor like findall/3.

Here is a more complete (albeit contrived) example that illustrates the way I'm trying to introduce variables into a query:

main :-
    query(congruent(const(aa), wildcard), Result),
    format("Result: ~p~n", [Result]).

query(QueryTerm, Result) :-
    % This is what I cannot figure out how to implement...
    xform_wildcards_to_free_vars(QueryTerm, QueryWithVars),

    term_variables(QueryWithVars, FreeVars),
    findall(FreeVars, QueryWithVars, Result).

% This is a contrived fact that transforms only one specific
% type of query, but even this wouldn't work because Wildcard
% would be considered a singleton.
        congruent(const(X), wildcard),
        congruent(const(X), Wildcard)

I have pored over the SWI-Prolog docs trying to find some functor that lets me transform ground terms into non-ground terms but I have been spinning my wheels unable to find anything. What am I missing? Surely this is a common enough use-case of Prolog that it supports this.

EDIT: Example testcase

Guy Coder below asked me to provide a test case, so here it is. It was too long to include in a comment.

:- table congruent/2.

congruent(A, C) :- congruent(A, B),
                   congruent(B, C).

congruent(const(aa), const(bb)).
congruent(const(bb), const(cc)).
congruent(const(cc), const(dd)).
congruent(const(cc), const(ee)).
congruent(const(ee), const(ff)).
congruent(const(yy), const(zz)).

assert_congruences :-
    assertion(congruent(const(aa), const(bb))),
    assertion(congruent(const(bb), const(dd))),
    assertion(congruent(const(bb), const(ee))),
    assertion(congruent(const(bb), const(ff))),
    assertion(not(congruent(const(bb), const(yy)))),
    assertion(not(congruent(const(bb), const(zz)))).

assert_query :-
    query(congruent(const(aa), wildcard), Results),
    assertion(member(const(ff), Results)).

The last line above shows how the hypothetical query/2 functor would return a list of terms which would be returned if findall/3 were used like above with a free variable introduced where wildcard is found.

I do need this to work for complex terms that can have one or more wildcards deeply nested in a term. My examples above just show a transitive congruent/2 predicate, but I have other much more logically complex predicates that may also be used to query.

EDIT 2: Implementation works! Thanks slago and Isabelle!

Ok, I finally got it working! Here is what I came up with:

:- module(repl, []).

:- table congruent/2.

congruent(A, C) :- congruent(A, B),
                   congruent(B, C).

congruent(A, B) :-
    nth0(IndexA, List, A),
    nth0(IndexB, List, B),
    IndexA < IndexB.

congruences([const(aa), const(bb), const(cc), const(dd)]).
congruences([const(cc), const(ee), const(ff)]).
congruences([const(yy), const(zz)]).

related(const(aa), eins).
related(const(cc), zwei).
related(const(ff), drei).
related(const(zz), vier).

main :-
    FooQuery = ( congruent(const(aa), wildcard(foo)) ),
    BarQuery = ( related(wildcard(foo), wildcard(bar)) ),


query_and_log(QueryTerm) :-
    query(QueryTerm, Result),
    format("~nQUERY: ~p~nRESULT:~p~n~n-----~n", [QueryTerm, Result]).

query(QueryTerm, Result) :-
    prepare_query(QueryTerm, NamedVars, QueryWithVars),
    findall(NamedVars, QueryWithVars, Result), !.

prepare_query(Term, NamedVars, TermWithVars) :-
    dict_create(EmptyDict, vars, []),
    xform_wildcards_to_free_vars(Term, EmptyDict-[], VarsDict-[TermWithVars]),
           [VarsDict, TermWithVars]),
    dict_pairs(VarsDict, vars, NamedVars).

% Compound terms must be recursively searched for new wildcards while
% reusing any previously created wildcard fresh variables.
xform_wildcards_to_free_vars(Term, PrevVars-PrevTerms, NewVars-NewTerms) :-
    Term =.. [TermName|SubTerms],
    TermName \= wildcard,
    TermWithVars =.. [TermName|SubTermsWithVars],
    append(PrevTerms, [TermWithVars], NewTerms).

% Atomic terms are emitted as-is into NewTerms leaving Vars unchanged
xform_wildcards_to_free_vars(Term, Vars-PrevTerms, Vars-NewTerms) :-
    not(Term =.. [wildcard|_]),
    append(PrevTerms, [Term], NewTerms).

% When Name is already found in Vars, re-use the same variable
xform_wildcards_to_free_vars(wildcard(Name), Vars-PrevTerms, Vars-NewTerms) :-
    get_dict(Name, Vars, ReusedVar),
    append(PrevTerms, [ReusedVar], NewTerms).

% When Name isn't in PrevVars, create a new fresh var in NewVars for it
xform_wildcards_to_free_vars(wildcard(Name), PrevVars-PrevTerms, NewVars-NewTerms) :-
    not(get_dict(Name, PrevVars, _)),
    put_dict(Name, PrevVars, FreshVar, NewVars),
    append(PrevTerms, [FreshVar], NewTerms).

% Re-write wildcard with no args as wildcard('?')
xform_wildcards_to_free_vars(wildcard, V1-T1, V2-T2) :-
    xform_wildcards_to_free_vars(wildcard('?'), V1-T1, V2-T2).

There are a few changes here that are worth mentioning from the previous code examples I have shared:

  • There is now a related/2 predicate with some simple dummy data that's used for a join
  • Wildcards now have atom names to differentiate them from each other
  • Congruences work semantically the same but there is now a congruences/1 predicate. This is a superficial change.
  • xform_wildcards_to_free_vars/3 now folds over a term's sub-terms ("args") with a dict to keep track of previously created fresh vars. Without this, each occurrence of wildcard(foo) would have its own unique fresh var instead of reusing a previous var.

And here is the output from main/0:

?- repl:main.

PREPARED QUERY VARS: vars{foo:_8244}
PREPARED QUERY TERMS: congruent(const(aa),_8244)

QUERY: congruent(const(aa),wildcard(foo))


PREPARED QUERY VARS: vars{bar:_8616,foo:_8578}
PREPARED QUERY TERMS: related(_8578,_8616)

QUERY: related(wildcard(foo),wildcard(bar))


PREPARED QUERY VARS: vars{bar:_9236,foo:_9120}
PREPARED QUERY TERMS: congruent(const(aa),_9120),related(_9120,_9236)

QUERY: congruent(const(aa),wildcard(foo)),related(wildcard(foo),wildcard(bar))


This was a tricky problem but I'm very relieved it works so well! Slago and Isabelle were very helpful to me finding this approach!


  • Another possibility would be to recursively transform a term into a new equivalent term, replacing wildcards with fresh variables.

    % wildcards_to_variables(++Term, --NewTerm, --Variables)
      wildcards_to_variables(wildcard, Variable, [Variable]) :- !.
      wildcards_to_variables(Term, Term, []) :- atomic(Term), !.
      wildcards_to_variables(Term, NewTerm, Variables) :-
          compound_name_arguments(Term, Name, Args),
          maplist(wildcards_to_variables, Args, NewArgs, Vars),
          compound_name_arguments(NewTerm, Name, NewArgs),
          append(Vars, Variables).


    ?- wildcards_to_variables(congruent(const(aa), wildcard), NewTerm, Variables).
    NewTerm = congruent(const(aa), _A),
    Variables = [_A].
    ?- wildcards_to_variables(congruent(const(wildcard), wildcard), NewTerm, Variables).
    NewTerm = congruent(const(_A), _B),
    Variables = [_A, _B].
    ?- wildcards_to_variables(and(congruent(const(aa),wildcard), congruent(wildcard,const(wildcard))), NewTerm, Variables).
    NewTerm = and(congruent(const(aa), _A), congruent(_B, const(_C))),
    Variables = [_A, _B, _C].

    Thus, the query predicate query/2 can be defined as:

    query(Term, Results) :-
        wildcards_to_variables(Term, NewTerm, Vars),
        findall(Vars, NewTerm, Results).