I have an Xcode project, consisting of a swift packages
, a custom cocoa pods
and one target dependency.
In workspace I have:
Project ProfileUtil - xcode project of type Framework. This project contains Firebase SPM dependencies
Project DatabaseUtil - xcode project of type cocoapod. This project contains Firebase pods dependencies
Project MeditationApp - Xcode project of type iOS Application. This is the main application, and it should include ProfileUtil
as a framework swift packages, and DatabaseUtil
as a Pod
When I try to compile the main iOS application, Im seeing errors like:
Error: Redefinition of module 'Firebase'
module Firebase {
export *
header "Firebase.h"
So that got me wondering if I can mix both SPM and Cocoapods in the same project if both uses the same library internally? (I couldn't find any useful ressources online about that use case, which surprise me)
Is there a bypass I could do to fix those, because as in the moment I have to keep my custom pod DatabaseUtil
as a cocoapods.
Nope. Firebase does not support being installed from both CocoaPods and Swift Package Manager in the same project. It might be possible to hack into place by hacking the workspace after a CocoaPods install, but it would be fragile.