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math operations between queries Impala SQL

i need to divide the results coming from two different queries in Impala through the HUE editor.

The query i wrote in Oracle is shown below:

 (select count(distinct t1.ids)
  from table1 t1
  where extract(year from t1.insertdate)=2020)
 (select count(distinct t2.ids)
  from table2 t2
  where extract(year from t2.insertdate)=2019)
from dual

On impala the same query does not work due to "/" operator. Can you please explain me how to do the same thing in Impala SQL?


  • You can join them on a dummy column and then divide the result sets.

    SELECT cnt1.cnt1/cnt2.cnt2
      (SELECT count(DISTINCT t1.ids) cnt1, 'dummy' dum
       FROM table1 t1
       WHERE YEAR (t1.insertdate)=2020) cnt1
      (SELECT count(DISTINCT t2.ids) cnt2, 'dummy' dum
       FROM table2 t2
       WHERE YEAR (t2.insertdate)=2019) cnt2 
    ON cnt1.dum= cnt2.dum -- dummy column