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Notification: Open different Activities dynamically on Android 12 - trampoline restrictions issue

Similar question: Android 12 - Notification trampoline restrictions

My question is slightly different from the above question because I am asking for a fundamental proper way to handle the deeplinks.

I am displaying the notification triggered by the Push notification. If the app is Multi-Activity architecture and the app needs to open different Activity depends on the deeplink value, then there are 2 ways to handle:

  1. Interpret the deeplink value first and then register the proper Activity when clicked.
  2. Use a transparent dummy Activity as the destination. Have the to handle which Activity to open.

I am an SDK developer which makes it slightly more complicated. I don't know the client's destination Activity class and if they are using Multi-Activity or Single-Activiy-multi-Fragment architecture.

Solution 2 sounds a bit hacky. Should I implement the callback to ask the client-side to return the destination Activity class given the deeplink path?


  • Answering my own question.

    I ended up choosing Solution #2, which is the hacky solution:

    1. Use a transparent dummy Activity as the destination. Have the to handle which Activity to open.

    The reason is that SDK needs to send the analytics before opening the client's "real" Activity.

    Pre-Android 12, the SDK is architected to open the BroadCastRecevier and it sends analytics. And then the BroadCastReceiver opens the Activity.

    The BroadCastRecevier is now replaced with TransparentDeeplinkHandleActivity for TargetSDK >= 31