I have a simple request that combines Data Validation with VLOOKUP.
On my Pending worksheet, when you select a Website - it should create a dropdown in the next column showing only the email addresses assigned to that website within the Profiles worksheet. Lastly, when you select an Email in the newly created dropdown - the next column should show the correct Name that's assigned to that Email-Website combination.
Here's my Google Sheet:
Here is a script solution:
function onEdit(e) {
const src = e.source.getActiveSheet();
const r = e.range;
const column = r.getColumn();
const row = r.getRow();
// if non header in 'Pending' sheet is edited and the outcome has a value
if (src.getSheetName() == 'Pending' && row > 1 && e.value) {
// get data as a whole
var data = e.source.getSheetByName('Profiles').getDataRange().getValues();
// if A2:A is edited
if (column == 1) {
// filter 1st column using e.value, then return 2nd column
var emails = data.filter(row => row[0] == e.value).map(row => row[1]);
// set data (list) validation to colB
r.offset(0, 1).setDataValidation(SpreadsheetApp.newDataValidation().requireValueInList(emails).build());
// delete data in colB and colC
src.getRange(row, column + 1, 1, 2).clearContent();
// if B2:B is edited
else if (column == 2) {
var colA = r.offset(0, -1).getValue();
var colB = e.value;
// only populate column C if both A and B has values
if (colA && colB) {
var name = data.filter(row => row[0] == colA && row[1] == colB)[0][2];
// set value to colC
r.offset(0, 1).setValue(name);