I need to parse a string to get desired number and position form a string, for example:
2 Better Developers and 3 Testers
5 Mechanics and chef
medic and 3 nurses
Currently I am using code like this which returns list of tuples, like [('2', 'Better Developers'), ('3', 'Testers')]
def parse_workers_list_from_str(string_value: str) -> [(str, str)]:
result: [(str, str)] = []
if string_value:
for part in string_value.split('and'):
result.append(re.findall(r'(?: *)(\d+|)(?: |)([\w ]+)', part.strip())[0])
return result
Can I do it without .split()
using only regex?
Together with re.MULTILINE
you can do everything in one regex, that will also split everything correctly:
>>> s = """2 Better Developers and 3 Testers
5 Mechanics and chef
medic and 3 nurses"""
>>> re.findall(r"\s*(\d*)\s*(.+?)(?:\s+and\s+|$)", s, re.MULTILINE)
[('2', 'Better Developers'), ('3', 'Testers'), ('5', 'Mechanics'), ('', 'chef'), ('', 'medic'), ('3', 'nurses')]
With explanation and conversion of empty ''
to 1
import re
s = """2 Better Developers and 3 Testers
5 Mechanics and chef
medic and 3 nurses"""
results = re.findall(r"""
# Capture the number if one exists
# Remove spacing between number and text
# Caputre the text
# Attempt to match the word 'and' or the end of the line
""", s, re.MULTILINE|re.VERBOSE)
results = [(int(n or 1), t.title()) for n, t in results]
results == [(2, 'Better Developers'), (3, 'Testers'), (5, 'Mechanics'), (1, 'Chef'), (1, 'Medic'), (3, 'Nurses')]