Imagine some array
uint8_t var[5] = {1,2,3,4,5};
so var
will be pointer to the first element of this array, and
uint 8_t* a=var;
will give the same result.
But will
a = &var[2];
b = a[1];
be same?
After this assignment
a = &var[2];
that is the same as
a = var + 2;
due to the implicit conversion of the array designator to a pointer to its first element the pointer a
points to the element var[2]
So a[0]
yields var[2]
and a[1]
yields var[3]
Pay attention to that the subscript operator a[i]
is evaluated like *( a + i )
So you have a[1]
is equivalent to *( a + 1 )
that is in turn equivalent to *( var + 2 + 1 )
that is to *( var + 3 )