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WebClient exception handler

I want to make exception handler for my WebClient, which calls external API. I don't want to use onStatus() method, due to I have abstract web client with different methods where I have to process exceptions, so I have to copy paste each onStatus() in my every abstract method. I want to make something similar to the rest template approach: we can implement ResponseErrorHandler and add our implementation into resttemplate e.g. setExceptionHandler(ourImplementation). I want the one class to handle all the exceptions. Thanks for your advice in advance!


  • @Bean
      public WebClient buildWebClient() {
        Function<ClientResponse, Mono<ClientResponse>> webclientResponseProcessor =
            clientResponse -> {
              HttpStatus responseStatus = clientResponse.statusCode();
              if (responseStatus.is4xxClientError()) {
                System.out.println("4xx error");
                return Mono.error(new MyCustomClientException());
              } else if (responseStatus.is5xxServerError()) {
                System.out.println("5xx error");
                return Mono.error(new MyCustomClientException());
              return Mono.just(clientResponse);
        return WebClient.builder()

    We can use ResponseProcessor to write logic and handle different http statuses. This solution was tested and it works.
