Let's suppose I have an object of a class as shown below:
Myclass obj;
Now I want to store this object to my desired memory location. How can I do this? Is it possible or not?
I have created an array class which simply insert data of integer type in respective indexes but the size of array is not declared inside the class. I insert small amount of data like 50 to 60 integers , then I use loop to insert a large data inside this class, but this time my program crashes , I think it is because of reason that if some index is encountered in memory which has some value in it , program stops itself. Now I want to analyze the memory that my object of array class start from that particular address which contain maximum number of available empty useable memory spaces
I think it is not allowing more insertions because of some allocated memory location. Now I want to place my object on that memory address which contain maximum available empty useable space. Please guide me
using namespace std;
class newarray
int n;
int arr[]; //size not declared
int* ptr;
void getadress(int indexno) //for getting address of an index
void insert(int a) //inserting an element
void display()
for(int i=0;i<=n;i++)
int main()
newarray a1;
int x=1;
for(int i=0;i<100;i++) //work good with 100 inssertions
//but if exceed to 300 or more it crashes.
You wrote
class newarray
int arr[]; //size not declared
This is not allowed. Unfortunately, your compiler did not warn you when compilinhg. You only discovered that this was a problem when your code crashed.
You then wonder about "some allocated memory location" and picking one manually. That's not the problem. int arr[]
without explicitly specifying bounds is allowed only in a few contexts, such as a function declaration. The function declaration doesn't need a size because the size in that case is determined by the caller.
Since this is C++, just use std::vector<int>
for your dynamic arrays.