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Firebase admin sdk verifyIdToken verifies any token from any firebase projects

I have created two projects from in one email account and another project from another email account. And configured to use android and google authentication login. This works perfectly when I copied the google-services.json in to the android project. I've done this for all 3 firebase projects and the backend verifies all 3 tokens successfully using method FirebaseAuth.getInstance().verifyIdToken(idToken) I downloaded the googleservicekey.json to backend from one of the projects.

My question is why FirebaseAuth.getInstance().verifyIdToken(idToken) verifies all the tokens not just the particular project token ? what am I missing here ?

All the jwts generated by the projects has the same "kid": "" (these jwts are returned by the firebase googlelogin in android)


  • thanks for the comments but it looks like the problem was to do with the build cache. even though Ive changed the google-services.json file running the project was still using the old json file, so I had to clean and build and it worked. thanks