Im trying to migrate something i found on the net and rails db:migrate has no effect. I tried one of the other posts that suggested moifying migration file to report errors, but still no response after trying again.
class CreateDoctors < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.1]
def change
create_table :doctors do |t|
t.decimal :clinic_latitude, precision: 10, scale: 6
t.decimal :clinic_longitude, precision: 10, scale: 6
t.string :clinic_name
add_index :doctors, [:clinic_latitude, :clinic_longitude]
I generated a new test migration Users. and that migrated fine. Also i dropped db and recreated to no effect.
You can't add some file to migrations folder and hope that it'll be migrated ever.
You need to rails generate migration create_doctors
, and then paste what you need to that migration that was created automatically.