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Authentication Failed for Git push to Azure

I am trying to deploy a web app to Microsoft Azure. Everything works succesfully in creating the app and it appers in the Azure portal. When I try to push my repo to Azure it asks me to enter my user credentials with an password authentication popup like the php quickstart said. The problem is whenever I enter the password which I know is right I get this error in git bash:

     fatal: Authentication failed for 

I have seen a few answers where they say to use a url with :443 at the end and I found that url on the azure portal, but whenever I try to add that url remote I get this error:

 error: remote azure already exists.

I have tried resetting my password and that does not work either. If anyone could help with just one of these problems that would be awesome. Comment if I can add anything or if I should clarify somthing. Thank you!


    • Looks like remote with the name azure already exists on your system and that remote contains the url "https://***".

    • The error message says that, The remote already exists.

    • You are trying to add a remote called "azure" that it already exists in your configuration.

    • Add a new remote with new name like "newazure" with it's URL as you want.

    • Follow the below command to add new:-

    git remote add newazure https://******.git


    • Remove the remote azure first, then add again with the path.
    $ git remote rm azure
    $ git remote add azure <repo-url> 

    Another way:
    Set the azure's url instead of adding.

    $ git remote set-url azure <repo-url>