I am populating my data to the RecylerView using Groupie Adapter with different types of items and using expandable groups and sections, one of the items is a Horizontal RecyclerView - everything works fine except that ** I am not able to scroll the child Horizontal RecyclerView to see its items.**
var uiList = mutableListOf<Group>()
private val adapter = GroupAdapter<GroupieViewHolder>()
val horizontalListItem = PiHorizontalListItem(
mainRecyclerView.adapter = adapter
where the PiHorizontalListItem contains a RecyclerView
class PiHorizontalListItem(
private val id: Long,
private val carouselAdapter: GroupAdapter<GroupieViewHolder>,
private val sharedPool: RecyclerView.RecycledViewPool
) :Item() {
override fun getId(): Long = id
override fun getLayout(): Int = R.layout.item_horizontal_rv
override fun bind(viewHolder: GroupieViewHolder, position: Int) {
viewHolder.containerView.rv.apply {
(layoutManager as LinearLayoutManager).orientation = LinearLayoutManager.HORIZONTAL
(layoutManager as LinearLayoutManager).recycleChildrenOnDetach = true
adapter = carouselAdapter
Can anybody help me fix this issue or if there is a workaround for it?
I found the solution I wrapped my PiHorizontalListItem with a Group then add it to the adapter and now it is working fine. Thanks
var uiList = mutableListOf<Group>()
private val adapter = GroupAdapter<GroupieViewHolder>()
val carousel = CarouselGroup(mediaIdCounter++,horizontalAdapter,nestedSharedViewPool)
mainRecyclerView.adapter = adapter
and here how the carousel looks like and how to handles the listview
class CarouselGroup(id:Long, madapter: GroupAdapter<GroupieViewHolder>, nestedSharedViewPool : RecyclerView.RecycledViewPool,) :
Group {
private var isEmpty = true
private val sharedPool = nestedSharedViewPool
private val adapter = madapter
private var groupDataObserver: GroupDataObserver? = null
private var carouselItem = PiHorizontalListItem(id, adapter,sharedPool)
private val adapterDataObserver: AdapterDataObserver = object : AdapterDataObserver() {
override fun onItemRangeRemoved(positionStart: Int, itemCount: Int) {
val empty = adapter.itemCount == 0
if (empty && !isEmpty) {
isEmpty = empty
groupDataObserver!!.onItemRemoved(carouselItem, 0)
override fun onItemRangeInserted(positionStart: Int, itemCount: Int) {
val empty = adapter.itemCount == 0
if (isEmpty && !empty) {
isEmpty = empty
groupDataObserver!!.onItemInserted(carouselItem, 0)
override fun getItemCount(): Int {
return if (isEmpty) 0 else 1
override fun getItem(position: Int): Item<*> {
return if (position == 0 && !isEmpty) carouselItem else throw IndexOutOfBoundsException()
override fun getPosition(item: Item<*>): Int {
return if (item === carouselItem && !isEmpty) 0 else -1
override fun registerGroupDataObserver(groupDataObserver: GroupDataObserver) {
this.groupDataObserver = groupDataObserver
override fun unregisterGroupDataObserver(groupDataObserver: GroupDataObserver) {
this.groupDataObserver = null
init {
carouselItem = PiHorizontalListItem(id, adapter,sharedPool)
isEmpty = adapter.itemCount == 0