Using SQLite, how do I retrieve the first record where current time is between record start and stop times, OR ELSE, if current time is outside start/stop times of all existing records, instead retrieve the record that comes next in time after current local time?
Here's my table:
TABLE sessions (
session_start REAL,
session_stop REAL,
group_id INTEGER REFERENCES [groups] (group_id) ON DELETE CASCADE
Example data:
session_id session_start session_stop group_id
1 2459599.755438762 2459599.963772095 1
2 2459600.0471054283 2459600.1721054283 2
3 2459600.755438762 2459600.963772095 1
The session table has a foreign key, group_id, but for sake of the example maybe we can leave it aside.
Tried mankowitz suggestion within a small test application:
SQL.Text:='SELECT *, julianday(''Now'',''localtime'') AS julian_now FROM sessions '
+'WHERE session_start > julian_now '
+'ORDER BY session_stop < julian_now LIMIT 1';
Current time at runtime was 2022-01-17 05:40:45 and the record with session_id 16 should have been selected since it is the closest to in time. How to modify the code for this?
For the condition:
current time is between record start and stop times
you need this boolean expression in the ORDER BY
julianday('now', 'localtime') BETWEEN session_start AND session_stop
and for the condition:
OR ELSE, if current time is outside start/stop times of all existing records, instead retrieve the record that comes next in time after current local time
you need this:
julianday('now', 'localtime') > session_stop
Write your query like this:
FROM sessions
ORDER BY julianday('now', 'localtime') BETWEEN session_start AND session_stop DESC,
julianday('now', 'localtime') > session_stop DESC,